World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

WIPO's main objectives are

  • achieving collective interests and public benefits in the formation of an effective system of legal protection of copyright and related rights through the collective management of rights;
  • assisting copyright holders in exercising and protecting their intellectual property rights, including through the authority granted to other Russian and foreign rights management organizations on a collective basis.

WIPO's activities

  • exercise of the rights of performers to receive remuneration for public performances and for the broadcasting or cable transmission of phonograms published for commercial purposes;
  • the exercise of the rights of phonogram producers to receive remuneration for public performances and for the broadcasting or communication by air or cable of phonograms published for commercial purposes.

WIPO's Functions

  • collection of remuneration from music users for the benefit of performers and phonogram producers;
  • distribution and payment of remuneration to Russian and foreign rightsholders;
  • representing Russian rightsholders abroad within the international system of collective management of related rights.

Areas of collective management

WIPO has been an accredited organization since 2009. By Orders of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 1273 and No. 1274 of July 21, 2014, the state accreditation of WIPO for the right to perform activities in the following spheres of collective management was extended for 10 years:

  • exercising the rights of performers to receive remuneration for public performances and for the broadcast or cable communication of phonograms published for commercial purposes (Article 1244.1.5 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • rights of phonogram producers to receive remuneration for public performances and communication for air or cable broadcasts of phonograms published for commercial purposes (Article 1244.1.6 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The basic principles of work are as follows

  • openness and accountability to rights holders;
  • efficiency and directed functionality;
  • efficiency and constructiveness.

Payment of remuneration to performers and phonogram producers through WIPO is a prerequisite for the lawful use of phonograms published for commercial purposes in their public performance, broadcasting or cable broadcasting.