In particular, one initiative proposes to introduce mandatory labeling of all AI-created content.
How this will be done technologically was not clarified, but experts believe that Russian AI services will be obliged to automatically mark any texts generated within the service. In their opinion, the implementation of the initiative could lead to the official blocking of foreign AI services, due to the fact that content created by them is simply too difficult to recognize.
"Attempts to regulate this area (AI-generated content) are understandable and probably timely and justified. However, so far we have seen only one attempt to label goods and services in the creative industries – in September 2022, new legislation for labeling advertising on the Internet came into force. The system is still being worked out. For example, there is still a debate as to which creatives should be considered under the advertising label, or whether every press release or news item should be labeled", Asya Vlasova, the Managing Partner of iTrend Communication Agency for IT-companies, said.
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